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Montessori teachers training in Indore

The Montessori Method is child centered educational approach based on observation of children’s. Montessori is an educational method which creates fun learning atmosphere. In Montessori education the teachers are highly trained and these teachers have a great contribution to make in the social, cognitive and physical development of children in the very young age. This is a method of nursery education in which children are provided with generous facilities for practical play and allowed to develop at their own pace. The prepared environment offers the child opportunities to commit to interesting and freely chosen work, which brings out long periods of concentration that should not be interrupted. Freedom develops within clear limits, and this allows children to live in harmony with others in the small society they belong to in the classroom.
There are some basic principles of Montessori education –
Respect for the child-
The unique developmental needs and interests of each child are respected. Children are not compared based on merit, they are valued for their individuality. Montessori education embraces multiple styles and pathways to learning, and understands that each child’s early learning journey is different.

Sensitive Periods-

Children pass through specific stages in their development when they are most able to learn specific skills. In Montessori education, these are called ‘sensitive periods‘. The Montessori learning environment supports these periods by proving children with hands-on learning experiences that encourage repetition and problem solving to maximize learning during these windows of opportunity.

The Absorbent Mind-

The first six years of life are crucial in a child’s development as they establish an understanding of themselves and their world. The Montessori environment supports children in this task by providing them with learning experiences that promote their sense of belonging, confidence, independence and agency.

Teaching Roles-

Children are the center of the Montessori classroom. The role of the teacher is to observe and guide, being mindful of children’s changing interests, developmental needs, and emotions. Teachers plan daily lessons for each child.

Prepared Environment-

The Montessori classroom is a prepared environment designed to optimize learning. Characteristics include: low open shelves, left to right display of Montessori materials in progression order, defined curriculum areas, child-sized furniture, freedom of movement, and freedom of choice.
Montessori education is student-led and self-paced but guided, assessed, and enriched by knowledgeable and caring teachers, the leadership of their peers, and a nurturing environment.

Within the community of a multi-age classroom—designed to create natural opportunities for independence, citizenship, and accountability—children embrace multi-sensory learning and passionate inquiry. Individual students follow their own curiosity at their own pace, taking the time they need to fully understand each concept and meet individualized learning goals.


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